Video is a vital part of communication for any business, no matter the size. From communicating with your audience, to attracting new customers, or keeping your brand at the top of people’s minds – you’ll never be without corporate video ideas to create once you get started.

But, getting started can seem overwhelming!

We’ve made it easy for you to start creating by highlighting 5 types of videos that every business should be creating:

Each type of video has its own unique impact, so let’s jump in and explore why and how you should start creating these essential videos!

Educational Videos

Enhance your reputation as an industry expert by sharing valuable knowledge.

Why Create Educational Videos?

If you’re looking to make a mark in your industry and truly engage your audience, educational videos should be your go-to. Here’s why:

Establishing Thought Leadership

Making educational videos helps you stand out as a leader in your field. When you share your expertise and insights, people start to see you as an authority. This not only boosts your reputation but also builds trust among viewers.

Providing Value to Viewers

People love content that helps them solve a problem or learn something new. By creating valuable educational videos, you are giving your audience something they can use. This is a great way to attract new viewers and keep current ones coming back for more.

Driving Long-Term SEO Benefits

Educational videos are like gifts that keep on giving, especially when it comes to Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). Quality educational content is often evergreen, meaning it stays relevant for a long time. This can lead to higher search rankings and more visibility for your brand, attracting a steady stream of viewers long after the video is published.

Types of Educational Videos

So you’re convinced that educational videos are the way to go. Great! But what kind of educational videos should you make? Here are several types to consider, each with its own purpose and benefit.

How-To’s and Tutorials

These are step-by-step guides that walk the viewer through a process or task. Whether it’s how to assemble a piece of furniture or use a specific software feature, these videos are immensely practical and often sought after by people looking for solutions to specific problems.


Explainer videos offer a deep dive into a particular subject or concept. They’re designed to clarify complex ideas in an easy-to-understand way. Using animations, infographics, and real-life examples can help to get your points across.


Webinars are long-form educational videos that usually run between 30 minutes to an hour. They provide an excellent platform for discussing topics in depth and often include guest speakers who specialise in the topic, Q&A sessions, and interactive elements to engage the audience.

Industry Insights

These videos provide an overview of trends, news, or updates in a specific industry. They can help position you as a thought leader who is up-to-date with the latest happenings, and they provide valuable insights to your audience.

FAQ Videos

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) videos address common queries or misconceptions about your product, service, or a relevant topic. They’re a proactive way to provide information and clear up confusion, making them extremely useful for both existing and potential customers.

Shootsta’s Educational Video Example

Tips for Creating Effective Educational Videos

Now that you’re aware of the different types of educational videos you can create, it’s time to dive into some best practices. Making a video that’s both engaging and informative can be challenging, but with the following tips, you’ll be well on your way to crafting effective educational content.

  • Research Your Audience’s Needs – Before you even hit the record button, take some time to understand what your audience is looking for. What problems are they facing? What topics are they interested in? Tailoring your content to address specific needs or questions will make your video much more valuable to viewers.
  • Keep it Simple and Straightforward – Your aim is to educate, not to confuse. Keep your language simple and your explanations clear. Avoid jargon or overly technical terms unless absolutely necessary. Break down complex ideas into smaller, easy-to-understand parts.
  • Utilise On-Screen Graphics and Animations – Visual aids like graphics, charts, or animations can make your video more engaging and help clarify the points you’re making. They’re particularly useful for explaining complex concepts or when you’re discussing data and statistics.
  • Keep it Engaging – Even the most educational content can lose its audience if it’s dull. Use real-world examples, tell stories, or even include a bit of humor to keep viewers engaged. Switching between different formats—like talking-head shots, screen shares, or animated segments—can also help maintain interest.
  • Plan Your Video Structure – Before filming, outline the structure of your video to make sure it flows logically. Decide on the key points you want to cover and the best order to present them in. This will help keep your video focused and ensure you don’t miss any important details.
  • End with a Call to Action – After providing valuable information, guide your viewers on what to do next. Whether it’s visiting your website for more information, signing up for a webinar, or watching another educational video, a strong call to action can help you maintain engagement beyond just one video.

By following these tips, you’ll not only educate your audience but also create a memorable and effective learning experience that adds value and builds trust. So go ahead, start planning your educational videos today!

Update Videos

Keep your audience up-to-date with the latest news and happenings related to your brand.

Why Create Update Videos?

In a world where things change at the drop of a hat, staying up-to-date is more important than ever. That’s where Update Videos come in. These are short, timely videos designed to keep your audience up-to-date about what’s new and what’s next for your business.

Keeping Your Audience Informed

The first and most obvious benefit is communication. People like to be in the know, especially when it comes to brands or communities they care about. Update videos offer a direct channel to share important news, be it a new product launch, a policy change, or simply what’s been going on behind-the-scenes.

Building Trust

Transparency goes a long way in building trust. By sharing updates, even if it’s just to say that a project is still in progress, you’re showing that you value openness and honesty. This creates a sense of reliability and can deepen the relationship you have with your audience.

Creating Anticipation and Excitement

Who doesn’t love a bit of excitement? Update videos can act as teasers for what’s coming up, creating a sense of anticipation that can boost engagement and even drive conversions. Whether it’s a sneak peek at a new feature, a countdown to a big event, or just some exciting news, a well-crafted update video can stir up enthusiasm and keep your audience eagerly waiting for what’s next.

Types of Update Videos

Just like with educational videos, there are various types of update videos that serve different purposes. Let’s look at a few popular categories:

Product Updates

Got a new feature, service, or product rollout? A product update video is the ideal way to introduce it. Show what’s new, explain how it works, and highlight the benefits to get your audience excited about trying it out.

Company Announcements

Whether it’s a new office location, an award, or a major change in leadership, company announcements give you a chance to share milestones and important news. These videos help to keep your audience invested in the journey of your brand.


Reaching a significant goal—like hitting a subscriber count, celebrating an anniversary, or achieving a particular sales target—can be a big deal. Milestone videos allow you to share these successes with your community, and it’s also an opportunity to thank them for their support.

Seasonal or Themed Updates

Holiday season coming up? Launching a summer sale? Seasonal or themed updates can add a fun twist while keeping your audience informed about timely events or promotions.


People love to know how things work behind the curtain. Whether it’s a tour of your new office, a day in the life of a team member, or the process of creating a product, behind-the-scenes updates add a layer of transparency and authenticity.

Shootsta’s Update Video Example

Tips for Creating Update Videos

Creating an update video may seem straightforward, but there’s an art to making it both informative and engaging. To ensure your update videos hit the mark, here are some tips to consider:

  • Be Clear and Concise – Time is of the essence, especially when it comes to updates. Get to the point quickly, clearly state what the update is about, and avoid going off-topic. The shorter and more focused the video, the more likely viewers will watch it in its entirety.
  • Use a Consistent Format – Using a consistent format or template for your update videos helps your audience know what to expect. Whether it’s the same intro music or a familiar set, consistency can make your updates instantly recognisable and more professional.
  • Add Visual Aids – Much like in educational videos, visual aids can help clarify your updates. Use graphics, text overlays, or even short clips to emphasise key points and make the information more digestible.
  • Humanise Your Brand – Updates don’t have to be dry and corporate. Show the faces behind the brand, whether it’s a CEO giving the update or team members sharing news. This adds a personal touch and can make the update more relatable and engaging.
  • Involve the Community – If applicable, include user-generated content or community shoutouts in your update videos. This not only builds community but also shows that you value your audience’s input and participation.
  • End with Next Steps – Just like any other type of video, it’s good to end with a call-to-action (CTA). Whether you’re asking viewers to subscribe for more updates, share the video, or check out a new feature, make sure to guide them on what to do next.

By following these tips, you’ll not only educate your audience but also create a memorable and effective learning experience that adds value and builds trust. So go ahead, start planning your educational videos today!

Event Wrap-Up Videos

Capture the excitement and key moments of events.

Why Create Event Wrap-Up Videos?

Events, whether virtual or in-person, are highlights that bring audiences and brands together. They offer unique experiences, networking opportunities, and tons of valuable content. But once the event is over, how do you keep the momentum going? That’s where Event Wrap-Up Videos come in.

Capture the Excitement

Events are often buzzing with energy and enthusiasm. A wrap-up video allows you to capture that same excitement and share it with those who couldn’t attend. It’s a way to extend the event’s reach and impact, long after it’s over.

Showcase Key Moments

There are always moments that stand out at any event – the keynote speech, a surprise announcement, or even a fun interactive session. Highlighting these in a wrap-up video gives you a chance to reinforce the key takeaways and showcase the best of what the event had to offer.

Build Your Brand

Event wrap-up videos are also a powerful branding tool. They show your organisation’s ability to host, manage, and deliver valuable experiences, reinforcing your brand’s reputation and credibility. Plus, seeing real people engage with your brand humanises it and makes it more relatable.

Engage a Wider Audience

Not everyone can attend your event, but many might be interested in what happened. Sharing a wrap-up video extends the life of your event by making it accessible to a broader audience. This can attract new followers, customers, or partners who get to experience a bit of the event through your video.

Types of Event Wrap-Up Videos

You’ve seen the value in creating Event Wrap-Up Videos, but what kind should you focus on? There are various formats and styles that can serve different purposes. Here are some popular types to consider:

Highlight Reels

These are fast-paced, energetic videos that showcase the best moments from your event. From key speakers to audience reactions, highlight reels capture the essence of the event in a quick, digestible format. Perfect for social media sharing!

Interview Segments

Why not capture the thoughts and feelings of attendees, speakers, or even organisers? Interviews offer authentic insights into the event’s impact and can be interspersed with other footage for a well-rounded wrap-up.

Panel Summaries

If your event included panel discussions, consider creating a summary video that encapsulates the key points and arguments made. This provides value for those who missed the panel and serves as a great resource for those interested in the topic.


These videos give viewers a look at what it takes to pull off the event. From setting up stages to the backstage hustle, a behind-the-scenes video can add an exciting, humanising element to your wrap-up.

Thematic Clips

If your event covered multiple themes or topics, you might create individual wrap-up videos for each. These can be targeted at specific audience segments who may only be interested in particular aspects of the event.

Audience Testimonials

Capture real-time reactions from your audience to include in your wrap-up video. Testimonials offer social proof and can make your event more attractive to potential attendees in the future.

Shootsta’s Event Wrap-Up Video Example

Tips for Creating Event Wrap-Up Videos

Creating an impactful Event Wrap-Up Video involves more than just stringing together a few clips. It requires thoughtful planning, capturing the right moments, and delivering them in a compelling package. Here are some tips to guide you through the process:

  • Plan Ahead – Before the event even starts, know what kind of wrap-up video you want to create. Make a shot list, decide on the key moments you need to capture, and coordinate with your team so everyone knows their roles.
  • Use High-Quality Equipment – The quality of your video reflects on your brand, so make sure to use good equipment. High-resolution cameras, proper lighting, and clear audio are non-negotiables for capturing professional footage.
    Need the perfect camera kit to capture your events? Get in touch to find out more about Shootsta’s custom built camera kit!
  • Include Diverse Perspectives – Try to capture the event from multiple angles and perspectives. Include footage of speakers, attendees, organisers, and even behind-the-scenes staff to offer a well-rounded view of the event.
  • Edit Thoughtfully – Editing is where the magic happens. Stitch together your footage in a way that tells a coherent story. Use music, transitions, and text overlays to enhance the narrative and make the video more engaging.
  • Keep It Short and Sweet – Wrap-up videos are often shared on social media, so aim for a runtime that’s easily digestible – generally, a few minutes should suffice. Prioritise the most impactful moments to keep your audience’s attention.
  • End with a Call to Action – Invite viewers to engage further with your brand. Whether it’s subscribing for future event updates, checking out event photos, or visiting your website, a clear call to action keeps the engagement going.

By following these tips, you’ll create a wrap-up video that not only encapsulates the essence of your event but also serves as a powerful tool for audience engagement and brand building. Happy filming!

Culture Videos

Give people a behind-the-scenes glimpse into your company culture to humanise your brand.

Why Create Culture Videos?

It’s not just your products or services that make you stand out – it’s also your brand’s culture. People want to know who they’re doing business with, and what better way to show them than through Culture Videos?

Humanise Your Brand

At its core, every business is about people – your team, your customers, and your stakeholders. Culture Videos give a face and personality to your brand, making it more relatable and authentic in the eyes of your audience.

Attract Talent

When job seekers understand your culture, they’re more likely to see if they’d be a good fit. A compelling Culture Video can be a powerful recruiting tool, showcasing your work environment and the values that guide your team.

Build Customer Trust

Consumers increasingly make buying decisions based on a brand’s values and mission. Showing what you stand for and how you operate internally can go a long way in building trust and loyalty.

Showcase Diversity and Inclusion

In our globalised world, diversity and inclusion are more important than ever. Culture Videos offer an opportunity to show how these elements are integrated into your daily operations, attracting a wider audience who identifies with your brand’s values.

Enhance Employee Engagement

Employees love to see their workplace celebrated and their efforts acknowledged. Sharing a Culture Video can boost morale and foster a sense of community among your team members.

Types of Culture Videos

So, what type of Culture Video should you create to best convey your organisation’s unique vibe? Here’s a rundown of different types of Culture Videos that can serve various goals:

Office Tours

An office tour video can give an intimate look at your workspace, whether it’s a bustling open-office or a cozy remote setup. This format helps viewers visualise where and how your team operates, making your brand more relatable.

Day in the Life

This style showcases a typical day for one or more of your team members. From morning meetings to project work to happy hour, a ‘Day in the Life’ video offers a comprehensive look at what it’s really like to work at your company.

Team Interviews

Short interviews with team members can provide personal insights into your company culture. Ask questions that prompt thoughtful answers, like “What do you love most about working here?” or “How would you describe our company values?”

Company Events

Does your company host retreats, volunteer days, or other special events? Capturing these in a Culture Video can showcase the fun and meaningful activities your team engages in, promoting your brand as one that values work-life balance and social responsibility.

Mission and Values Explainers

Your mission statement and company values aren’t just text on a website; they guide your actions and decisions. Create a video that dives into what these mean, using real-world examples and testimonials to bring them to life.

Employee Spotlights

Highlight exceptional team members and their stories. Employee Spotlights can focus on achievements, unique skills, or even personal hobbies, providing a well-rounded view of the people who make up your company.

Diversity and Inclusion Features

In these videos, focus specifically on your company’s efforts towards diversity and inclusion. Discuss programs, initiatives, and goals that demonstrate your commitment to an inclusive workforce.

Shootsta’s Culture Video Example

Tips for Creating Culture Videos

Creating an engaging and authentic Culture Video is an art in itself. Here are some essential tips to make your video not just good, but great:

  • Be Authentic – The key to a successful Culture Video is authenticity. Don’t stage scenes or force employees to say scripted lines. Let the natural dynamics of your workplace shine through.
  • Plan Your Shots – While spontaneity is important, having a plan helps ensure you capture all the key aspects of your culture. Make a list of scenes, people, or elements you want to include so you don’t miss anything important.
    Need the perfect camera kit to capture your events? Get in touch to find out more about Shootsta’s custom built camera kit!
  • Focus on Storytelling – Your Culture Video should tell a story – whether it’s the journey of your company, the growth of a team member, or how a typical day unfolds. Narrate it well to make it engaging and relatable.
  • Keep It Short – Aim for a video length that’s digestible but still comprehensive. A 2-5 minute video usually offers enough time to convey your message without losing the viewer’s interest.
  • Use High-Quality Equipment – Good production values can make or break your video. Use a good camera, proper lighting, and clear audio recording devices to make your video look and sound professional.
  • Add Subtitles or Captions – This makes your video more accessible and also allows people to watch it in noisy or quiet environments. Plus, subtitles can help reinforce your message.
  • Involve the Team – Who better to showcase your company culture than the people who live it every day? Include a diverse range of employees in your video to present a fuller picture of your company.
  • Include a CTA (Call to Action) – Whether you want viewers to visit your careers page, follow you on social media, or another action, make sure to include a clear call to action at the end of the video.Include a CTA (Call to Action)
  • Review and Revise – Once the initial cut is ready, review it with multiple team members to ensure it accurately represents your culture. Make revisions as needed before releasing it to the world.

By following these tips, you’ll create a wrap-up video that not only encapsulates the essence of your event but also serves as a powerful tool for audience engagement and brand building. Happy filming!

Testimonial Videos

Showcase satisfied customers or clients.

Why Create Testimonial Videos?

People are often looking for social proof to guide their decisions, whether they are giving you their time or money. That’s where Testimonial Videos come in to make that decision much easier! These powerful tools offer more than just a pat on the back; they actively drive engagement, build trust, and influence consumer choices.

Boost Credibility

When a satisfied customer speaks positively about your product or service, it adds a layer of credibility that simple marketing messages can’t achieve. Real people vouching for you is convincing evidence of your brand’s worth.

Create Emotional Connections

Testimonials offer a human element that can evoke emotional responses. Whether it’s relief at solving a problem or the joy of an excellent customer experience, capturing these emotions on video makes your brand more relatable.

Enhance Trust

Trust is a precious commodity in any business relationship. Seeing and hearing people praise your product can significantly boost your audience’s confidence in choosing your brand.

Increase Conversions

Videos are known to be more engaging than text, and that holds true for testimonials. Viewers are more likely to take action – be it making a purchase or filling out a contact form – after watching a persuasive testimonial video.

Provide Real-World Context

Testimonial Videos often show your product or service in action, offering potential customers a glimpse into how it can fit into their lives. This practical perspective can be incredibly influential.

Amplify Reach

Happy customers sharing their testimonials can lead to increased visibility for your brand. Not only can you use these videos on your website or marketing campaigns, but you can also share them across social platforms, multiplying their impact.

Types of Testimonial Videos

Not all Testimonial Videos are created equal. Depending on your goals, target audience, and the specific products or services you offer, you might choose one format over another. Here’s a breakdown of different types of Testimonial Videos you can consider:

Customer Testimonials

This is the most straightforward format, featuring satisfied customers who discuss their experiences with your product or service. These are powerful because they offer a relatable, first-person account of what you offer.

Expert Endorsements

If an industry expert or influencer sings your praises, capturing this on video can provide a significant boost to your credibility. Expert testimonials usually resonate well with people familiar with your industry.

Case Studies

These are in-depth videos that cover a customer’s journey from problem to solution, all thanks to your product or service. These often include interviews and real-world examples, providing a comprehensive look at your value proposition.

Employee Testimonials

Who knows your business better than your team? Employee testimonials offer an inside look at your company culture and the benefits of your products, often adding an extra layer of authenticity and credibility.

Social Proof Compilation

This style aggregates multiple short testimonials into one video. It’s a good way to show that your product or service has widespread approval, increasing its perceived value.

Product Reviews

Though not a traditional testimonial, user-generated content like product reviews can serve the same purpose. These are often unsolicited and offer an unbiased look at your product, making them highly trustworthy in the eyes of consumers.

Before and After Stories

This type showcases the transformation a customer undergoes thanks to your product or service. From weight loss stories to home renovations, the ‘before and after’ format provides compelling visual evidence of your product’s effectiveness.

Shootsta’s Testimonial Video Example

Tips for Creating Testimonial Videos

Making a compelling Testimonial Video involves more than just pointing a camera at a happy customer. Here are some tips to ensure your Testimonial Videos hit the mark and serve their purpose effectively:

  • Choose the Right Participants – Your testimonial is only as good as the person delivering it. Choose participants who are genuinely satisfied with your product and can articulate their thoughts clearly.
  • Plan Your Questions – While you want the testimonial to feel spontaneous, having a set of planned questions can guide the conversation and ensure you cover key points.
  • Keep It Real – Authenticity is crucial. Avoid overly scripted or rehearsed testimonials. The more natural the delivery, the more trustworthy the video will appear.
  • Focus on Benefits, Not Features – Your questions should encourage participants to talk about how your product or service solved a problem or improved their life, rather than just listing features.
  • Use High-Quality Equipment – Good lighting, clear audio, and high-definition video are essential for making your testimonial appear professional.
  • Edit for Clarity and Impact – Your raw footage will likely need editing to get to the point and maintain viewer interest. Keep the video short but impactful, aiming for a duration of 2 to 3 minutes.
  • Include B-Roll Footage – Who better to showcase your company culture than the people who live it every day? Include a diverse range of employees in your video to present a fuller picture of your company.
  • Add Text Overlays or Graphics – Use text to highlight key statements or to introduce the participant. This adds a layer of context and reinforces important points.
  • Include a Call to Action – Once the initial cut is ready, review it with multiple team members to ensure it accurately represents your culture. Make revisions as needed before releasing it to the world.
  • Share Across Platforms – Once your Testimonial Video is polished and ready, don’t limit it to just one platform. Share it on social media, include it in email campaigns, and feature it on your website to maximise its reach and impact.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating a Testimonial Video that not only looks professional but also effectively convinces potential customers of the value of your product or service.

Tools for creating Business Videos

Need a Partner to Create Your AMAZING Videos?

Shootsta empowers businesses to bring their video content ideas to life, guiding them through each step of the pre-production, production and post-production process.

Explore Shootsta’s Video Solutions: From providing a custom-built camera kit for capturing high-quality footage to offering a team of dedicated editors, Shootsta ensures businesses have everything they need to craft compelling videos, no matter where they are in their video journey.

Harness the Power of Video: With a focus on creating videos that don’t just inform but deeply resonate with target audiences, Shootsta is a one-stop solution for businesses aiming to maximise the impact of their video content.

Contact us today to learn more!