We get it — consistently coming up with fresh and engaging video ideas can sometimes be a daunting task. Fear not! In this blog, we have compiled nine professional video ideas that are sure to inspire and empower you on your creative journey.

1. Create a whiteboard video

Whiteboard videos offer a dynamic approach to engage your audience while delivering informative content. Inspired by renowned publishers such as Moz, AsapSCIENCE, and more, these videos are a form of explainer content that employs hand-drawn or animated illustrations to educate viewers on various subjects. With their concise format, whiteboard videos effectively convey information and conclude with a compelling call to action.

Whiteboard Video Example

2. Offer tips and tricks

Tips and tricks videos have a surprising range, from super-short snackable videos on YouTube to longer content with valuable, replicable advice when it comes to topic shortcuts. They’re also excellent at building brand trust, as it’s easy to establish subject matter expertise when you’re problem-solving.

Tips and Tricks Video Example

3. Get behind-the-scenes

Behind-the-scenes videos provide a captivating window into your creative process, offering viewers a unique and intimate experience. So, whether it’s a product, event or project, focus on highlighting interesting details, sharing funny or insightful moments, and showcasing the teamwork involved.

Behind-The-Scenes Video Example

4. Record a time-lapse

Time-lapse videos provide a visually captivating and unique perspective on the passage of time. By condensing hours, days, or even months into a short clip, they reveal dynamic transformations that are not easily perceptible in real-time. Whether capturing the movement of clouds or the bustling of a city, timelapse videos create a mesmerizing visual experience that engages and fascinates viewers.

Time-Lapse Video Example

5. Use animation

You can use animated videos in lots of different ways, from simple typography animations to animated illustrations, flat icons, even full character animation videos. Animation is powerful for communicating concepts in explainer and story-based videos, as well as content for younger audiences thanks to the cartoon-like nature.

Animated Video Example

6. Tell a story

Utilizing storytelling in business videos can significantly enhance your impact and resonance. Stories have a unique ability to captivate audiences, evoke emotions, and create memorable connections. By incorporating storytelling elements into your videos, you can engage viewers on a deeper level, establish a stronger emotional connection, and effectively convey your brand’s message and values.

That said, storytelling for short online videos is different to other mediums, so familiarise yourself with the ‘emerging’ vs. traditional story arc, for example.

Storytelling Video Example

7. Make a parody

Parody videos use comedy to poke fun at people or situations. If you’re a brand, it pays to be aware of fair use guidelines for parodying pre-existing content; however, brands parodying themselves are engaging because it shows a sense of humour (and humility)! Check out our ‘Shootsta: The Movie’ parody below, which pokes fun at our company’s founders:

Parody Video Example

8. Shoot a publicity stunt

Publicity stunt videos are pre-planned events to attract attention and raise awareness, often for a brand or new product. The best stunts are big, bold and have creative flair — the type of videos that go viral, especially in marketing, thanks to their originality and / or audacity. So think big!

Publicity Stunt Video Example

9. Employee Spotlight Videos

Boost morale and showcase the faces behind your brand with employee spotlight videos. These short clips can highlight individual employees, their roles within the company, personal anecdotes, or unique talents, helping to humanise your brand. Each video could focus on a different team member, sharing their journey, key projects, and their impact on the company’s culture and goals. Not only do these videos shine a light on your team’s diversity and expertise, but they also enhance internal pride and external brand affinity. Use them across social media, in newsletters, or on your company’s “About Us” page to strengthen connections both inside and outside your organisation.

Need a Partner to Create Your AMAZING Videos?

Shootsta empowers businesses to bring their video content ideas to life, guiding them through each step of the pre-production, production and post-production process.

Explore Shootsta’s Video Solutions: From providing a custom-built camera kit for capturing high-quality footage to offering a team of dedicated editors, Shootsta ensures businesses have everything they need to craft compelling videos, no matter where they are in their video journey.

Harness the Power of Video: With a focus on creating videos that don’t just inform but deeply resonate with target audiences, Shootsta is a one-stop solution for businesses aiming to maximise the impact of their video content.